
We are always working on new and exciting projects in the machine learning and AI space.


Location analytics insights to deliver unique guest experiences

Real-time data analysis to improve guest experiences. Use analytics data to replicate the most effective drivers for foot traffic across your locations.

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Discover Symatiq’s novel tool HiveMind, the future of automated testing

HiveMind utilizes visual, scriptless, test modelling that reduces the cognitive load and the amount of required technical knowledge and skills to create automated test cases.

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An environment-friendly initiative to share books

We want books to be used, not on the bookshelf. We want to give books life - many lives - and a story that can be explored and experienced.

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Meeting room booking system made easy

Manage your conference rooms, visitors and employees with Ingress our simple to use booking system. Ingress is an effective tool to organize meetings, allowing employees to view the availability of the rooms and book meeting spaces in minutes.


The smart hotel experience

Connected guest services for hotels using machine learning and AI algorithms.

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